Dr. Priebe, very much enjoyed your article "Affordable Housing is More than Bricks and Mortar," and recently had the pleasure of attending a presentation by Michael Eliason of Larch Labs on Point Access Block development. It is my understanding that currently this type of development is prohibited in North America due to Fire Safety Code. Canada's National Research Council is currently reviewing and revising the National Building Code this year with a new addition coming in 2024. What can be done to address deficiencies to meet Code requirements so this type of development is possible. Smarter Infill is a new group in Edmonton that is advocating for increased density that achieves broader sustainable development goals including ensuring truly affordable housing that also supports climate resilience in communities by providing sufficient Green Asset Area for green infrastructure that provides environmental benefits to ensure livability . This would also ensure sufficient outdoor amenity area is provided for safe outdoor gathering, recreation and connection. Freiberg Green City by Wolfgang Frey outlines approaches to achieve these sustainable urban development outcomes.

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Thanks for your thoughts. I am not a building guy so I appreciate that clarification. I went to your web page. Your characterization of the bylaw process resonates with me, and has been a growing problem since the early 2000s. I would like to hear more about how you define "sufficient green assets".

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